It is absolutely advisable to first read chapters 1 – 5 before you read this chapter, because you might not understand these discussions and therefore reject the explanations.
I say; you will only accept as truth what you are able to understand; you might reject the rest although it might be the truth.
Is that an excuse?
BUT; you can listen to someone who does understand and one can believe in something you don’t understand, TO CALL IT INTO EXISTANCE. To belief in something is to call it into existence.
Sometimes one don’t understand what you hear or see but it could be logic or it could make sense to BELIEVE and by believing you call for the better.
In the beginning I had to BELIEVE that 12+12=24, now I KNOW it to be true. Belief becomes obsolete when knowledge becomes reality.
I say; I don’t believe 12+ 12 = 24 because I know it to be true.
The tabernacle has three rooms namely the forecourt, the holy room and the holiest of all. We will discuss them separately.
The forecourt is the first step of the plan that God gave Moses to recover life, not only on earth but also for the entire universe.
Part of the plan is to rescue and develop this “man beast” that gathered at Sinai. When we say at Sinai we mean the period while the senses developed which is thousands of years, Sinai is simply a symbol. Symbolically it took 40 years, the time the Israelites dwelt in the desert but you will understand that it actually took thousands of years more likely 400,000 years or more. We will still decipher the formula.
The main purpose of the forecourt is to develop the senses.
The human eye is the first element of a sensory system: in this case, vision, for the visual system.
Eye; sight.
tongue taste.
Nose, smell.
The sense of touch
Sinai is the mother of the senses.
Therefore the meaning of Sinai is obviously = sensory. (Hebrew.)
At Sinai we developed the sense by way of seeing God and the forecourt symbolizes the period while the senses developed.
With the eye we saw God.
With the ear we heard God.
With the tongue we tasted the food at Horeb.
With the nose we smelled the food.
With the sense of touch we felt the trembling of the mountain.
Moses had to transport this man beast that came out of the sea to Calvary, which will develop human further to become a spiritual being.
However, you can now clearly understand that we have transgressed the Ten Commandments, and therefore we had to die.
For this reason the bible say that all the Israelites that “saw God” at Sinai, died in the desert, as well as Aaron, even Moses did not enter the Promised Land.
The Promised Land is a symbol of the promised seventh day of rest and the Promised Land is on the opposite side of the Jordan River.
Jordan River has the meaning of River of death therefore it means you have to go through (a) death to reach the Promised Land. Elijah baptized “Jesus” with this death and Jesus has baptized all of us with this same death or baptism of Jordan.
The tabernacle symbolizes a true image of the human body that’s divided into three symbolic rooms.
I say; the human body is divided into three symbolic rooms.
I say; the creation of the universe as well as the creation of human happens in three stages.
The first room is the forecourt, which symbolize your body from your foot sole, to the penis. The forecourt also has an entrance hall symbolically for your feet. Your penis is exactly in the center of your body; therefore from your foot soul to the penis makes up half of your body, same as the distance from the entrance of the forecourt to the entrance of the Holy Room, which is also exactly in the center of the tabernacle. You can measure your body if you want to make sure about this, for the penis is the center of your body measured either from top to bottom or from side to side.
The exact size of the tabernacle
is not known and all sketches on the Internet have ignored the entrance hall.
Here are some of the objects in the forecourt;
The Laver of the Tabernacle
The laver, or basin, was a large bowl filled with water located halfway between the brazen altar and the Holy Place. Although God did not give specific measurements for the Laver, it was to be made entirely of bronze. The priests were to wash their hands and their feet in it before entering the Holy Place.
The laver was located in a convenient place for washing and stood as a reminder that people need cleansing before approaching God. The priests atoned for their sins through a sacrifice at the brazen altar, but they cleansed themselves at the laver before serving in the Holy Place, so that they would be pure and not die before a holy God.
The brazen altar, bronze altar, or altar of sacrifice was situated right inside the courtyard upon entering the gate to the tabernacle.
The purpose of the brazen altar was forgiveness of sins.
Upon the Brazen Altar the sacrifices were offered and
consumed by fire.
To receive forgiveness the common Israelite approached the tabernacle with his sacrifice and passed through that entrance gate he found that between him and the tabernacle structure stood an altar with a priest waiting beside it. The altar was square in shape (foursquare). Its length and breadth were exactly the same as the height of the white linen fence around the court 5 cubits (7 1/2 feet). Its height was 3 cubits (4 1/2 feet) and it was made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze with horns at each corner.
Apart from the bronze altar there was no approach to God. In the covenant with Yahweh it was a blood covenant and therefore the innocent animal represented the sinner and took his place on the altar. That is why there was the laying on of the hands upon the innocent sacrifice and then the violent slicing of the throat. A graphic imagery that would make your skin crawl which brought an incredible awareness of the awesomeness of sin, and the payment being death. Only then could you be accepted and declared clean. The blood of the animal would cover until God Himself (The Lamb of God) would come to take sin away once and for all.
By laying his hand upon the head of the offering, the person was identifying with the sacrifice. His sin and guilt was being moved from himself to the animal. The priest would then slaughter the animal, sprinkle its blood in front of the veil of the Holy Place, burn the sacrifice, and pour the rest of it at the bottom of the altar.
The priest took 'some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the Altar of Burnt Offering and poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar'
Ex 29:12 "You shall take some of the blood of the bull and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger, and pour all the blood beside the base of the altar.
The reason why
the priest had to put blood on the four horns of the brazen altar is; we
transgressed the first four commandments in the forecourt and the horns symbolize the four
commandments. The idea is therefore to get forgiveness for transgressing the
The forecourt is from the foot sole to the penis, which symbolizes the veil to the Holy Room.
The Holy room is from the penis to the lips.
The penis symbolizes the veil between the forecourt and the Holy room. The meaning of veil is; to separate or to break apart or to keep apart.
Only those who were circumcised could enter the forecourt.
I say; only those who had an incision into the senses could enter.
I say; only those who saw Satan (God) at Sinai could enter.
I say; only those who saw the “backside” of God could enter. Ex 33:23.
I say; only those who saw the visible God could enter.
I say; only those who saw the God of darkness could enter.
I say; Satan is the Lord God of Israel.
I say; the veil is there to keep those in the forecourt apart from those in the Holy room, which is the next room.
Only by way of the blood of a bull could a priest go into the holy room to bring forgiveness for your soul, and only for the soul. I will explain this later. Logically this is only a symbol of the true meaning.
At this stage, the “soul” is the spirits of the senses, and poorly developed.
All spirits are immortal, whether it is the spirit of a plant, an animal, a human being, Satan, Angels or God; they are all male and immortal and can never die!!!!
I say; when you “ die “, only your flesh dies and go back to dust, for when you die, you give up the Ghost.
I say; you release the spirit that’s been trapped inside your body, you release God, for spirit =God.
I say; you “give” your spirit.
When the bible says; the women took the fruit of the tree and eat, and also gave to her husband and he ate ---- the meaning of gave or give = to give spirit.
Gave = She gave her husband spirit “to eat”.
She gave her husband life.
She made her husband fertile in spirit.
I say; she ate and received spirit and also gave her husband spirit for she is Eden.
I say; she became mother of her husband. Eve said I received a husband.
The future you = what you have thought, did and said during your time of duty in the flesh.
I say; you created your future body (yourself) of whom you will be, for when you die you give birth to yourself, you meet up with yourself, you go back to yourself.
You came here to obtain knowledge for yourself, and to the benefit of the entire universe. While you are trapped inside your present body you gain knowledge of the visible, the visible being the wife of the universe, for God had no knowledge about his wife.
The best way to gain knowledge of the visible was to become a visible object, to become clothed with skin, to be dressed with the visible.
The forecourt is the first heaven for this beastly man. This heaven is for five sense creatures, but there are two more heavens for human.
This human were more vicious than most animals, because he was sly and very cleaver. See Gen.3: 1.
The spirits of the senses are in the front part of the brain, between the eyes.
Deut 6:8 ---- thou shall bind them for a sign up on thy hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thy eyes.
I say; this beast sits in the front of your forehead, your mind, and bares the No 5 to indicate the five senses.
The meaning of frontlets is; to go around. Compare Gen 3:24 --- cherubim, which turned everyway.
Therefore this
verse says; the frontlets or a cherub goes “around” between your eyes to
protect the tree of life. Vision is in the back of the brain and the eyes in
front so we can say, “it goes around”. In future we will discuss this further.
Human only received a sixth spirit after the appearance of the latter prophets, in fact long after that.
We must remember; the bible is written in symbols, mirror images, riddles and parables, and we needed wisdom to decipher the bible.
We can call the
spirit of the senses, Moses. Moses is the father of the senses, therefore you
bare his name and you are Moses, for you are the body of/ for Moses, the five
To develop the senses, we logically had to believe in visible objects like, the mountain as holy, the tabernacle as holy with all its religious objects, like the ark for instance.
At that stage we could only understand what we see for there was no imagination as such yet. Adam was not a living soul yet.
The meaning of tabernacle is;
To lie down, a sexual connection, cast down, to sleep, to ravish, to take rest, to lie down for the sexual act, seed, akin to the idea of lodging, permanently stay, to continue, have habitation, inhabitant, place, rest, a hut or liar, cottage, pavilion, (from where you can see), a residence, the lair of animals, the grave, temple, dwelling.
You can now change the word tabernacle to; the human body, and see how these meanings fit to your body as symbol of the tabernacle and then you can understand the importance and duty of the human.
I say; the description above states the reasons why the human body was created because the tabernacle = the human body.
The most important reason for the human body (tabernacle) is to lie down for the sexual act.
Well it is OK if you thought I was talking about the sexual act that we have with one another, but I am actually talking about a spiritual sexual act. The importance of the human body (the tabernacle) can be understood in the words; Eve became the mother of all life.
You now understand that Eve is a name for the human body and there are six more names for the human body.
The meaning of the word all in Hebrew is; altogether, whatsoever, or to complete.
(Eve) The human body is therefore also the mother of God and each and every thing you see and each and every living creature and every thing you will see and experience in future; she completes the creation, she gives it a rebirth.
Instead of using the word “human”, the Bible uses different words for the human to enable us to distinguish and understand from different angles.
For instance; Eve, Sarah, Mary, Jesus, Judas are all substitute names for the human body.
If the purpose of the human body is “to have sex”, meaning to give birth to different spirits, you can understand it’s importance to the universe.
To give birth to different spirits or creatures or creations, the human had to be impregnated with different spiritual seeds.
It was for this reason that husband (heaven) and wife (the visible) had to divorce, so she could have “many husbands” and each husband or spiritual sperm/seed produce a different “child”. For this reason there are all these different religions, for instance. The bible says the “clothes” of Jesus were divided meaning; the truth has been divided between different religions.
This says; no one religion has the full truth.
By glorifying the Holy of Holy Ark with all its covenants, it will not change into spirit as such, but by glorifying it on earth as holy we created a spirit in heaven, we created a Holy of Holy ark in heaven, we create the future world.
We can therefore say; the human were created to desire, for desire “resurrect” the spirits, create the spirits.
The moment God says; you may not; that thing you mustn’t “touch” receives power; for instance the eye received power to desire, to create etc. also the thing not to touch receives power, like the commandments or the ark for instance.
If I put a sealed tin full of worms in front of you and convince you to believe/imagine that the tin in fact contains holy food/manna for the future and should not be touched now, then the tin and the worms becomes holy to you although you don’t know what the contents are; you also give power to the contents you imagine to be in the tin and imagination then creates what you believe.
To imagine = to believe.
If you have eyes, YOU DESIRE!!!!! ---- Don’t bluff yourself!! Be honest.
If you are honest you will find your purpose.
If you had to become a “spiritual factory”, you had to have eyes and you had to desire.
For this reason, the reason that God created you this way;
We will discuss this sin at the end of this chapter.
In the meantime we can say; Satan is a Glorified spiritual creature, who had birth with the human as His Mother. I say mother, for the human body is female, the womb of the universe. Don’t mock; don’t make a fool out of a Glorified Creature!!!! Do you make a fool out of your own child?
There was a reason why it was necessary to create Satan. We discussed and mentioned them in the discussion about Cain.
Don’t say, O yes, “he is an angel that went astray and became a bad angel and God could not control him”.
I thought God controls and rules everything, how would he then bluff God?
The bible says; God created Satan; is that for no reason?
What would you say is the reason why God created Satan?
To let you suffer? Yes that’s also true but not the full truth!!!! You have to understand now that it was absolutely necessary to create Satan.
Jude verse 9 – 10; yet Michael the arch angel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said; the Lord rebuke thee. But these speak evil of those things, which they know not; but what they know naturally/literally as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
Verse 11; woe unto them!
Are you prepared to acknowledge that this is precisely what we did?
Or do you have an excuse to submit.
The bible says; with the second coming, the first thing to be done is to divide goats from sheep. Further, he does it with a sharp two-edged sword see Rev. 1: 16.
This is exactly what this manuscript will do and in fact is doing right now as you read for God “pick/reaps” your mind while you read.
There will be those who understand and accept and those who are “hard to die” and don’t accept and miss the “boat”, the so-called skeptical, seeing is believing, like a Thomas.
Unfortunately, it is not I to make the decision for you; it is you who must decide.
We were innocent, without knowledge; therefore the flea has caught us.
I say; we made wrong conclusions, because we were plainly “stupid”.
We will explain more about this later.
Each room of the tabernacle describes a process where human had to gain knowledge, intelligence and understanding, and at the same time become a spiritual creature, to become Gods as the serpent said and to recreate the universe, I can’t stress this enough.
The Ten Commandments are there to help prepare us; to sanctify/wash our clothes (bodies) so we can enter the next room called the Holy room, see Ex 19:10.
We also gained knowledge and death, and the fait of human had been sealed at Sinai, for human became guilty of transgressing the Ten Commandments and are still transgressors until today. We have touched the mountain.
God has ordained all powers. Rom. 13: 1.
If a certain man becomes a president of a country, then God has ordained that power.
You might ask, how? By way of your vote, or your voice or your choice.
The devil is mad about blood!!!!
We said; the tabernacle is a symbol of your body, and we have explained in what respect, namely it symbolize three rooms to evolve/create the human to become a spiritual being.
Even some of the things that I explained are a symbol of the real truth; you will learn all about it during our discussions.
As we say on this planet; everything comes to an end.
For this reason then, also Moses came to an end, he became obsolete.
He became obsolete, because knowledge surpassed the things we then believe in. Although some people are “hard to die” and will still cling to the tradition of men, even today see Mark 7:8.
The prophet Jesus replaced the prophet Moses.
The replacement is; the senses had been developed “to its peak”, and the next stage was necessary to develop the human soul further.
The next stage is the next room of the tabernacle namely; the Holy room.
I say; the next stage is Jesus, Mo Hammed and others.
Logically, the old ordinances becomes obsolete, for the circumcision was a covenant to develop the senses, a cut into the senses, but once that has been fully developed something else was needed and the circumcision, the cut into the flesh, falls away. During the time of Moses, we had to sanctify things like; the tabernacle, the ark, the altar of burnt offering, the laver, anointing oil, holy garments, also some other visible things. All these things became obsolete when Jesus came, although the Ten Commandments did not become obsolete; rather it became more powerful and received more strength.
The new covenant is the Lords holy supper in the next room called the holy room. All religions have their own “holy meal”.
In this room, “ we eat and drink the flesh and blood of the slaughtered bull”. (Previously the priest took the blood into the holy room and put some of it on the horns of the bull.) The law forbids the practice of eating flesh with blood, but Jesus instituted this practice.
Logically we transgress the law by doing this!!!
Jesus is the symbol of this bull = you yourself.
In this room we sanctify new things like; the table with the showbread, a symbol of the lords supper where we eat and drink the flesh and blood of an idol and the candlestick with six candles burning, to symbolize the six spirits of human meant to develop in this room. These candles did not burn in the forecourt because human did not developed spirits as such yet.
Candles are the symbol of the “brightness of the Spirit” and being a candle we can conclude that even these Spirits are currently still weak and at the same time it indicates that “the brightness of the sun” is still far away for us.
In the room of Moses we were five sensed animals, although the senses were well developed only for perception.
The first room was a circumcision into the fleshly senses and were replaced by the lords supper --- a circumcision into the heart namely the soul = the spirit of the heart. See Rom: 2:29.
It is unthinkable that we still today with all our knowledge, practice the circumcision as a Godly practice. It is almost an insult to ones mind, for we all knew that this and even the Lords supper, is only a symbol of something far more exalted but it is something we don’t understand and this really indicates our poor intelligence. Intelligence?
Summary of what we have learned.
In our previous discussions you have learned;
The universe had intercourse by way of the Big Bang 20 B yrs ago.
This Big Bang led to the birth of earth, earth being Male and Female, namely; the atmosphere = Male or Adam.
And the soil = Female or Eve.
The atmosphere acted as the male Sperm and earth acted as the Egg, the womb of the universe.
It should be easy for you to understand that earth produce the body and heaven supply the spirit/breath/oxygen.
Atmosphere (Adam) knew (impregnated) his wife earth (Eve) and out of her womb life started. She gave birth to different plants/trees and different animals with their seed in themselves.
Out of the spirit of this life, an evil spirit was born namely Cain. Cain is a spiritual husband for earth and all life on her. I say; Cain is a spirit in heaven.
The first life were hermaphroditic – impregnated themselves, a “male animal” that did not need another animal/body to produce/give birth.
Then after many years two different bodies had intercourse with each other and the first separate females and males were born, out of which God created the human.
Meanwhile, the sons of God -- spirits in heaven – spiritual angels, alienated into different earthly bodies and vicious animals were born, huge animals like the dinosaurs.
We have not yet discussed the flood of Noah, which wiped out 85% of all life, and most of these animals were killed and don’t exist anymore. God said; the spirits of these giants won’t rule anymore.
We learned how the “animals” came out of the sea.
The beast out of the sea according to Rev 13.
This beast is a symbol of the spirit of this man beast.
Moses exoduses these land beasts to Horeb/Sinai being a symbol of the birth of the sense of hearing, and the development of all five senses.
The symbol of the development of the five senses is the forecourt of the tabernacle and the covenant/witness is the circumcision.
Moses “transported” this man beast to Jerusalem by disciplining him to enable the development of a soul. Jerusalem is the symbol of the mother of the soul.
This brought us into the next room, the Holy room.
We have also learned that only after the plucking of the forbidden fruit – creatures on earth became spiritually fertile, to produce/create different spiritual creatures/angels or as the bible say, to create diversity by way of evolution/a “free” development.
We have to explain the holy room in three phases, which is the time in which the soul was created The duration of the holy room is a symbolic 2000 years and comes to its end with “the second coming.”
Phase 1.
At this stage, when we entered the Holy room the “human” has not yet been a living soul as stated in Gen. 2:7. He was more likely a breathing creature.
At that stage the soul were in the blood, blood as the fountain of life.
To spiritualize the human took a long time over many thousands of years before the soul would be completed.
The living soul is the immortal part of life. It is the spiritual half and once the soul has been created, that part can never die and for this reason the Serpent said; you will not die once you have eaten. See Gen. 3: 4 en Joh. 6: 51.
The snake is also a symbol of the human body.
The serpent is the one who deceived us to eat the fruit of knowledge; it was absolutely necessary to “eat” knowledge, don’t you think so?
When you “die” you meet up with your spiritual soul.
The aim/purpose of the Holy room is therefore to create the immortal half of yourself and not only for yourself, but also to create an immortal soul for our Father and Mother universe.
Earth has hypothetically lost her soul, (Abel) died, were slain by the vicious brother spirit (Cain).
The soul is imprisoned in/on the earth; the bible says, the spirit of animal goes “down” while the spirit of human rises. Why you might ask? It is because the senses are earthly bounded to the first heaven and the soul to the second heaven.
The bible says; Hagar symbolizes the senses while Jerusalem up there is our mother, meaning mother of the soul.
Sara said; I am restrained of having children.
Sara is the symbol of the female half of the universe, which became/was infertile. The whole of the universe were checkmate.
You might ask; how did the universe become infertile?
The universe was created to energize itself, as we already explained and gave you knowledge about when we discussed Eden.
Eden is therefore also a symbol of the visible universe, where husband and wife energized themselves.
Let me for now explain it in
simple terms and use earth as an example.
All creatures on earth are spiritual factories that produce spiritual energy (atoms) for heaven. You can call it a spiritual meal, to feed the husband/heaven.
What goes up must come down in a spiritual rain.
I say; if you feed the husband/ heaven with a peaceful spirit/meal, the husband will in return feed his wife/earth with peace, it is an unchangeable law of the creation, its been created like that.
It works in the same manner as the trees and the creatures that feed each other. If you take the tree away the animal life dies, for there is no oxygen, and take the animal away and the trees will die.
They depends on each other, keep each other alive.
When the evil spirit Cain was born, the heaven/atmosphere were filled with this evil spirit.
I say; We gave our husband/heaven an evil spirit/meal to eat, and he did eat, for the husband have to eat what the wife puts on the table and the result was, that the husband/God became evil and started to kill us, and not only us, but also itself/himself.
Logically it is like that. See Lamt 2:5;The Lord was (became) an enemy, he has swallowed up all her palaces, he has destroyed his strongholds – (the generators of spirit) ----
Let us now apply this to the universe.
The visible contents (atoms) of the universe generate energy (atoms) for the invisible space and vice versa. They keep each other alive eternally!!!
But: the atoms (spirit) of the visible became evil and the result was that the whole universe was dying.
The whole universe were losing its energy, it became infertile, could not anymore produce the eternal life atoms/spirit to support the universe.
I say; the universe lost its soul – the eternal atom/spirit/Abel = the living breath or breathing spirit, it became a killer spirit. The meaning of Abel is breathing/living spirit.
God had to make a plan otherwise the whole universe/God would die.
For this reason the Big Bang were planned to create a phantom universe, the one we now see.
God cursed this phantom creation to destruction. See Gen.3: 17.
You and me are part of this cursed world that was meant to be temporary.
We had to create a culprit, who would bare the virus of; death, sickness, pain and at the same time to give the universe back its soul, its eternal life’s spirit and even to advance further. Human is this culprit.
For this reason we had to worship visible objects, that’s been held out to us by way of different hypothesis’s and by way of that we created the real thing in heaven.
Think about the sun and moon worshippers, those who bring offerings to the mountains, the visible objects of the tabernacle and the ark that was carried on the shoulders. Jesus who said; the Son of man must first be glorified like the snake in the desert. The snake is a symbol of Satan and therefore Jesus says; glorify him in the manner of the snake.
The hypothesis changed by way of us receiving intelligence and then making new conclusions.
For instance; our conclusion changed about earth when we received intelligence that it is indeed round.
For instance; we glorified the Ark with the testimony. See Ex 40:20.
The Ark is a symbol of your head, your face, the face of God, your brain, or the garden in Eden the origin of life.
Your head is also a symbol of the Holy of Holy, which is symbolized from your lips to the crown of your head.
Not only did you receive wisdom by way of this, but also you created a glorified creature in heaven (yourself).
We glorified many different visible objects, by many different religions and by other practices.
You will in time, understand these things.
Never the less: We cannot enter the Holy room as long as we are practicing the practices of the first room, like for instance the circumcision or whatever visible practices other religions practice.
By still
practicing the circumcision for instance, which was a symbol to develop the
senses is like having a glass of water in your hand and still keep on asking
for a glass of water, it simply does not make sense, likewise the Lords supper.
The LORDS supper has to stop
Hypothetically Jew has not entered the Holy room yet because he is still practicing the circumcision. This is then also the reason why the Jew’s crown is covered, a symbol that his sixth dome has not yet opened.
Same, we cannot enter the Holy of Holy room, while we still practice the things of the Holy room, therefore these things in the Holy room also comes to an end. See Hebr 9:8-10.
Hypothetically, each and every human has already entered the Holy room.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that only those who are “saved” in church have entered this room.
The whore, the murderer, the thief, the cannibal, the priest, have all entered this room, for this room symbolize your soul, in fact your soul has been created in this room, same as your senses that has been created in the room called Moses.
This is true, unless you know of people who simply don’t have a soul.
It is simply not true, a lie, that only those who worshipped Jesus entered this room; again, it must then be those who don’t have a soul that did not enter.
The fathers of the soul are all the prophets; Jesus, Mo Hammed and others.
It will therefore also be a lie to say; only those who followed Mo Hammed entered this room.
We can also call this room;
The room of the prophets; Jesus, Mo Hammed and others.
We can also call it the room of the soul; or
The room of purification; in this room you became a first Adam.
Why do I say that?
I say that because this room symbolizes the portion of your body from your penis to your lips. It is common knowledge what this part of your body does.
It has all your life giving organs, like your lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver and most important, your heart is in this room – the source of your soul – your feelings – your emotions.
It is the room where the “penis” creates visible objects.
The universe is exactly the same as your body, have the “same organs” but it is spiritual organs: this is another discussion for the future.
Outside the veil was a second room, the holy place. Three articles of furniture were placed in the holy place: a table for blessing the bread (shulhan), an elaborate lampstand (menorah), and an altar (mizbeah) for offering incense.
The table was made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold (see Exodus 25:23-30 & 37:10-16). The "bread of presence" was placed on the table, made holy by its nearness to God, and eaten by the priests every Sabbath. Four kinds of dishes and wine vessels were placed on the table, all made of pure gold. It was common practice in ancient Near Eastern shrines to present an idol with meat and wine offerings. Scholars debate the purpose of the dishes in the Tabernacle, but it is clear that they were not used for meat and wine offerings to God, as in those other shrines. The invisible God of Israel had no need for physical nourishment. The only food brought into the tent and placed on the table was the bread, which was eaten by the priests. God's meat and wine offerings were consumed, not by an idol, but by fire on the altar placed outside the tent (brazen altar, bronze altar, or altar of sacrifice.) The vessels may have been purely symbolic, they may have been used for incense (see Leviticus 24:7), or they may have been used in some way to contain the bread (a rabbinic theory).
The lampstand was the only piece of furniture in the Tabernacle that was made of solid gold (see Exodus 25:31-40 & 37:17-24). Its function was to be the sole source of light in the tent, which was sealed from sunlight by thick boards of wood and four layers of curtains. The lampstand is described in great detail in the Bible. It was to be a sort of tree of light, its seven branches extending from the base elaborately decorated with a design of almond blossoms. It is given no dimensions in size, only its weight in gold: one talent exactly. Atop each branch, resting in the almond blossom, was a simple, removable, oil lamp, most likely made from terracotta or copper. The wicks faced the interior of the room, casting light over the priests as they tended to their duties.
A small altar was placed between the lampstand and the table, directly in front of the veil of cherubim (see Exodus 30: 1-10 & 37:25-29). It was the place from which the priests offered incense as an act of worship. Just as incense is used today in many different kinds of religious services, it was used in ancient times, filling the holy space with rare objects.
Only six of the candles burnt in the forecourt as a symbol of the six spirits of the human.
The Golden Altar of Incense was 2 cubits tall.
It had four golden horns (one on each corner) just as the bronze altar in the courtyard.
The golden altar of incense, which is not to be confused with the brazen altar, sat in front of the curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. This altar was smaller than the brazen altar.
God commanded the priests to burn incense on the golden altar every morning and evening, the same time that the daily burnt offerings were made
The incense was a symbol of the prayers and intercession of the people going up to God as a sweet fragrance.
The horns of the golden altar were sprinkled with blood from the animal sacrifice to cleanse and purify it from the sins of the Israelites (Leviticus 4:7, 16:18). Just as the horns on the brazen altar represent the power of Christ’s blood to forgive sins, the horns on golden altar signify the power of His blood in prayer as we confess our sins and ask for His forgiveness.
And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement; once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the LORD."
The reason why the blood was to be put on the horns was, the first 4 commandments were transgressed. The four horns symbolize the beast with ten horns and seven heads. These 4 horns also symbolize the first four commands that we transgressed and by placing blood on the horns we bring a sin offering.
The Table of Showbread of the Tabernacle
The table of showbread was a small table made of acacia wood and overlaid with pure gold. It measured 3 feet by 1.5 feet and was 2 feet, 3 inches high. It stood on the right side of the Holy Place across from the lampstand and held 12 loaves of bread, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The priests baked the bread with fine four and it remained on the table before the Lord for a week; every Sabbath day the priests would remove it and eat it in the Holy Place, then put fresh bread on the table. Only priests could eat the bread, and it could only be eaten in the Holy Place, because it was holy.
This table with bread is the symbol of the Supper of the Lord.
The laver, or basin, was a large bowl filled with water located halfway between the brazen altar and the Holy Place. Although God did not give specific measurements for the Laver, it was to be made entirely of bronze. The priests were to wash their hands and their feet in it before entering the Holy Place.
The laver was located in a convenient place for washing and stood as a reminder that people need cleansing before approaching God. The priests atoned for their sins through a sacrifice at the brazen altar, but they cleansed themselves at the laver before serving in the Holy Place, so that they would be pure and not die before a holy God.
You must now understand that only after you have entered this room you became an first Adam and you must remember, whether you are a women or a man; you are called Adam, your name is Adam or Jesus a human with two halves namely spirit and flesh, but are named Adam. See Gen 5:2. God called THEIR name Adam. Adam is therefore a name to describe a human being and not to describe his gender.
For this reason then it was Jesus and the other prophets that has breathed the breath of life into your nostrils and this makes the claim that a certain man called Adam some six thousand years ago was made a living soul a lie. Only after the latter prophets we became living souls or do we claim that Eve was not made a living soul, meaning those who now reject that each and every human is called Adam and preached it to be that Adam was a male person who had a wife Eve and Adam became a living soul.
Again; Adam means human with two halves namely; spirit as male or husband and flesh as female or wife.
I ask; are only the men living souls?
However, once you enter this room your name change to Jesus or Mo Hammed or whatever your prophet’s name is.
Because I was brought up in a Christian home and are familiar with the bible, I will call your name Jesus or Adam. This doesn’t mean Mo Hammed or others are less.
If you claim that only the ones who followed Jesus are the saved ones it will mean you deny the Muslim for instance to have a soul. Or how did the Moslems receive a soul?
I say; God has placed you (Adam/men and women) into a deep sleep with the purpose to create your soul.
Also the whole universe is currently in this deep sleep.
Remember, it is still the sixth day on which God created you (Adam) and therefore you are not completed yet and not completely God yet. Even the universe has not been completed yet, you/God are still busy creating the universe and preparing it for the seventh day of rest.
I say; God has not yet finished breathing the soul into your nostrils; you can’t deny this can you? Or do you claim to be a perfect soul?
Therefore; to say that a certain man called Adam was made a living soul 6000 years ago IS NONE LESS THAN A LIE!!
Or how did you become a living soul?
We can change the name Adam to Jesus (or Mo Hammed) for Jesus is just another name for Adam or you or the human; you received this name when you entered the Holy room, meaning when you received your soul.
How did God put us (Adam) into this deep sleep?
He baptized us with the Holy Ghost.
It is simply not true, a lie that only certain people received the Holy Ghost, for the Holy Ghost = the spirit of the soul, unless you know of someone that don’t have a soul. Of cause there are different degrees of a soul depending on how our mammal brain developed.
In the previous room the forecourt, your five senses were created, which corresponds to five spirits, as you now know and you had the name Moses; that means you were drawn out of water.
Now in this room, your sixth spirit started to develop, to become a first Adam, namely you received the breath of life by way of your prophet or “preacher”.
Your prophet is the cornerstone of your soul. Is he?
He has “drawn” you out of the water or rather out of the earth. This is a significant statement, which you will understand later on.
I say; this is the way God blew the breath of life into your nose.
I say; you inhale spirit into your brain.
All five senses, including this sixth sense were created on earth.
They were created out of the visible perception.
Therefore they are spirits of the visible or spirits of the earth, namely the spirits of Satan, God of the visible earth. Those who think themselves to be holy might reject this statement. Hopefully there is none who see themselves as holy.
Being in this room, human/Adam/Jesus now received the No 6, for six is the number of Jesus/Adam/you/human/man. See rev. 13:18. It says it is the number of a man/human/person/Adam.
It is simply not true, a lie to say: Jesus (you) were/are the second Adam, Jesus is a first Adam. It’s easy to prove that he is a first Adam.
The meaning of Holy Ghost is as follow;
The Greek meaning for holy in the New Testament is;
An awful thing, sacred through defilement, physical pure, morally blameless or religious.
Greek for Ghost; to breathe, a currant of air, breath, a spirit of humankind, the rational soul, vital principal, mental disposition, a specter/Ghost, life, mind, Christ’s spirit, heart, soul.
Hebrew for Ghost; to breathe out, expire, die, be dead, perish, a breathing creature, desire, heart, lust, mortally pleasure, to be breathed upon.
Now every normal thinking soul (you) can understand the above.
Jesus was baptized with the Holy Ghost. See Luke 3:22.
Thus we can say; Jesus was baptized/received the spirit of: the rational soul, mental disposition, the mind, the spirit of the dead, (a Ghost).
If you look at the Hebrew meaning, it indicates the spiritual status of those before the coming of Jesus namely; a breathing creature with desire, lust, mortally pleasure, while in the New Testament the spiritual status is described as; a spirit of humankind, immortal soul, mental, mind, heart etc.
I am sure you can’t disagree that there is a big difference between a breathing creature and a spirit of human kind, soul, mental mind.
Can you disagree? If you agree it means you agree that the so-called Adam of 6000 years ago was still a breathing creature and did not have the spirit or mind of human kind yet.
This clearly describes the advance of human from a breathing creature to a creature with a mental human mind and rational thinking and soul, after the coming of the latter prophets.
Further we can conclude, that this spirit is in fact the spirit of the deep sleep, the baptism of death, and a hypothetical death sleep or the “stupefying of our brains.” We will only be woken up on the third day; see Hos.6:2.
We can therefore call it the Holy sleep. Many preachers ignored the words Holy Ghost and changed it to Holy Spirit; although a Ghost = spirit the meaning is completely different but this also indicates that we know “nothing” and although we know nothing the church still wont listen; hopefully I am wrong about the church!!! I have asked several preachers; why did you change Ghost into Holy Spirit? I didn’t have an answer yet. Yes the truth hurts and brings fear for those who wont repent. Even the new translated bibles talk about Spirit instead of Ghost; it is completely ignored. . People now translate the bible the way they think it should read and not the way it is written. By way of this the complete meaning is non-existant.
Clearly Ghost = spirit of the dead.
Obviously they change it because they don’t understand what they read.
Rightfully the bible says; our eyes, the preachers are blind.
The resurrection of “Jesus” on the third human day is in fact a symbol and a witness of the first resurrection, namely the resurrection of the soul of Adam, to become a living soul but still a first Adam. See Rev. 20:5 and John.20: 1-10.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that Jesus has entered the Holy of Holy room yet, because we still practice visible ordinances in the Holy room. Only the second Adam can enter the Holy of Holy.
However Jesus was the first one to enter the Holy room whereas Moses was the first one to enter the Forecourt and he also placed the holy things in the Holy of Holy but had to walk backwards when he left this room. There is a good reason why Moses had to walk backwards.
Remember you are the ones who produce/manufacture/give birth to the spirit of Jesus Christ your husband and you did it with the help of the LORD.
I say; Jesus Christ is your spiritual child and husband.
If we look at the meaning of Holy we see that the meaning is; an awful thing, to become or be sacred by way of defilement or to become physical pure, also it is morally blameless.
We can therefore say; although it is a sleep of death it is an awful sleep and it is blameless. This is truly good news.
What exactly is this sleep or baptism?
In the first place it is a cherubim on/in the east of Eden who replaced your original husband and blinded you. The replacement happened in phases for instance the first phase was the cherubs of senses.
You now know where this place is, but let me refresh your memory.
This spirit sits in the front part of your brain, your forehead in the frontal lobes Therefore, we have the sign of the no 6 on our forehead; that is if you have a developed soul and I don’t think we will deny our soul. You “gave” your soul to your prophet who ever he might be or not be.
I have explained before, the meaning of Give (gave), it is a Godly “word” and means -- God give – or simply; you give spirit (to your prophet or receive spirit from your prophet).
Let me put it to you from another angle;
Every human now have this No 6, for this spirit entered through the eye of human – and human gave birth to this spirit – Satan. The eye is the sixth sense or spirit. You might now be unwilling to accept this truth but keep in mind; Eve/you are the mother of all living things and Satan had birth in the garden in Eden and that garden is your brain. Further; Satan were created to do very important things for the universe. Things that God couldn’t do Himself otherwise he would have to die/become sin.
The right temporal lobe also deals with hearing. However, its
job is to process musical information or help in the identification of noises.
The vision areas and the hearing areas of the brain have a
boundary area where they interact. This is the area of the brain that does
reading. We take the visual images and convert them into sounds
The biggest and most advanced part of the brain is the frontal
lobe. (It's called the frontal lobe because it's in the front part of brain.)
One job of the frontal lobe is planning
Additionally, the frontal lobes also play a very important role
in controlling emotions
"The frontal lobes are considered our emotional control
center and home to our personality
motor function,
problem solving,
impulse control…
social and sexual behavior.
"By contrast the frontal lobe
on the right side seems to function in a manner which allows it to
See patterns and trends as
well as
Use its imagination.
Mental tasks which we identify as:
Pattern recognition,
Perception of trends,
Spatial rotation,
Creating or inventing new
solutions --
The human brain is both verbal (see SPEECH and WORD) and nonverbal. Sometime between ca. 4
million and 200,000 years ago (anthropologists are not sure when) human beings
began to speak.
Men ought to know that from the brain,
and from the brain only, arise our pleasures, joys, laughter and jests,
as well as our sorrows, pains, griefs and tears.
--Hippocrates (5th Century, B.C.; Kandel et al. 1991:iv)
And the frontal lobes control ideas, thinking, planning, and the most complex parts of human emotions and behavior
And the frontal lobes control ideas, thinking, planning, and the most complex parts of human emotions and behavior
More information;
The frontal lobe is an area in the brain of mammals. Located at the front of each cerebral hemisphere, frontal lobes are positioned in front of (anterior to) the parietal lobes. The temporal lobes are located beneath and behind the frontal lobes. In the human brain, the precentral gyrus and the related cortical tissue that folds into the central sulcus comprise the primary motor cortex, which controls voluntary movements of specific body parts associated with areas of the gyrus.By studying patients whose corpus callosum had been destroyed, scientists have learned that differences exist between the left and right sides of the cerebral cortex. The left side of the brain functions mainly in speech, logic, writing, and arithmetic. The right side of the brain, on the other hand, is more concerned with imagination, art, symbols, and spatial relations.
Frontal Lobe - Front part of the brain; involved in planning,
organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of
"higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions.
The anterior (front) portion of the frontal lobe is called the
prefrontal cortex. It is very important for the "higher cognitive
(bewuste) functions" and the determination of the personality.
The posterior (back) of the frontal lobe consists of the premotor
and motor areas. Nerve cells that produce movement are located in the motor
areas. The premotor areas serve to modify movements.
The unique feature
in the evolution of the brain is that old structures are not replaced, nor do
they merely grow and become larger. Instead, newstructures are constantly being
added to the brain, thereby introducing new dimensions of capability. This is
shown in the figure below, which indicates the evolutionary progression in
brain development from fish to man [632, 720]. Referring to the table and chart
below, we can see that within the human brain there is a fish brain, a reptile
brain, a primitive mammal brain, and the neocortex, which we share in part with
other apes and the higher mammals.
The neocortex represents over half the mass of the human
brain, but it is less than 10% of the ape brain. This is the part of the brain
which underwent explosive development when hominids made the transition from
Australopithecus to Homo sapiens by way of Homo habilis and Homo
erectus. The neocortex is the most complex part of the human brain and is
associated with all higher activities ranging from speech to invention.
Emotions, as usually
understood, are a type of preprogrammed logic associated with the reptilian
complex and early cortex of the mammals (the limbic system). Emotions trigger
automatic responses in the Effectors (R); these are characterized as fearful or
loving behavior. All emotions can be regarded as various manifestations of fear
and/or love. This behavior requires little or no learning and has distinct
survival value. Loving behavior, which is characterized by the nurturing and
protection of the young, the mate, and/or other members of the species is
almost totally absent in reptiles and almost universal in mammals and birds.
Therefore, the emotion of love is probably associated directly with the early
mammalian cortex, although the limbic system seems to modulate all emotions.
Fear is primarily associated with the R-complex. A chimpanzee has the same
The mammal brain, also known as the limbic
system, evolved next. This corresponds roughly to the idea of a superego or
parent. From our mammal brain, we get our urge to nurture, to love and to join
with others. From the mammal brain comes our ability to follow laws and rules,
and to make them. Much of what is best in the Human psyche comes from the
mammal brain.The neocortex evolved last of all. It corresponds roughly to the idea of an ego, (EK identiteit)or an adult. From the neocortex we get the skills necessary to make peace between the reptile brain and the mammal brain. From the neocortex comes reason, and memory, and logic. From the neocortex comes intellect. We need the neocortex to understand the Universe.
I say; the fruit of the human (tree) eye gave birth to this spirit and not only to this spirit but also to your imagination and all the functions of the frontal lobes.
You might ask, what about the blind, how did knowledge entered his eyes?
If you understand what I was explaining to you, you will agree it is not an intelligent question because the eye “created” a spirit and once created, spirit enters through the nose or ear.
I say; you inhale knowledge.
Water symbolizes spirit and therefore you drink spirit.
He, Satan is co-creator – he is there to preserve you – but to keep you away from the tree with the eternal food/meal of life by way of putting you to “sleep”, ONLY UNTILL HE WILL BE DEFEATED LIKE HE HAS BEEN DEFEATED NOW AND ONLY UNTILL WE ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND.
The question is; are you intelligent enough to understand? I am positive you are
I already explained to you his duties in another chapter.
The reason why this writing now reaches you are;
The cherub has been overcome, his name, his fame and his glory.
His name and his No, and now reveals it to you, so you can also have victory over his Name and No and eat freely from the tree of life, also in the midst of the Garden of Eden (your face).
The fact that the No has been calculated means according to the bible; this is the second coming.
BUT; If you did not eat of this tree of knowledge, you would not have understood this writing, neither would you have become a living soul. If you don’t understand this message, simply go and eat more of the tree of knowledge. Die a little bit more!!
Although these things are in fact easy to understand (a child in grade 5 can understand this), there might be people who wont understand or don’t want to understand, the reason could be; their soul has not yet developed enough to understand this wisdom or he might feel he would look like a fool to now “change his belief”. The truth however is; God made real ass-holes of us; the sooner you accept this the better for you for then life can start for you.
Better look like a fool than loosing your wedding dress!!!
There might be people who are afraid! I have witnessed some who cant read this manuscript because of fear.
However, I don’t bring you a message of fear, I bring you a message of hope and understanding and wisdom.
However; some will stay in the forecourt and the message to Johannes is; not to measure the forecourt.
Never the less;
in the first room of the tabernacle your 5th dome opened, also the
dome of the first heaven has opened. You created your senses.
From this you can understand that you did not use the frontal lobes or speech in the forecourt. You started to use it in the Holy room after the coming of WORD.
In this room the Holy room, your 6th dome opened and also the second heaven opened for you. We can call this heaven, a heaven of the Imagination.
The left hemisphere usually controls
movement and sensation in the right side of the body, while the right
hemisphere similarly controls the left side of the body. We saw that with the
mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger and
associated behavioral response patterns. And human emotional responses depend
on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain,
which in turn is linked to the even older reptilian brain.
Fascinating is the way in which work is divided between the two halves of the brain, their different functions and the way in which they supplement and co-operate with each other.
Most people (about 80 per cent) are right-handed and in the vast majority of right-handed people, the ability to organize speech and the ability to speak are predominantly localized in the left side of the brain. But the right side can understand written and spoken language to some extent at least. {14}
Fascinating is the way in which work is divided between the two halves of the brain, their different functions and the way in which they supplement and co-operate with each other.
Most people (about 80 per cent) are right-handed and in the vast majority of right-handed people, the ability to organize speech and the ability to speak are predominantly localized in the left side of the brain. But the right side can understand written and spoken language to some extent at least. {14}
"Appreciating spatial perceptions
depends more on the right hemisphere, although there is a left hemisphere
contribution. This is especially true when handling objects" {14} and
concerning abstract geometric shapes and music.
Roger Sperry,
Michael Gazzaniga and their
colleagues found that, when presented with a stimulus, both hemispheres were
active and could recognize the nature of visual stimuli as well as spoken
But while the left hemisphere can express itself by verbally describing a stimulus, the right hemisphere can express itself non-verbally by selecting the matching stimulus. The left hemisphere deals with word choice, rules of grammar, and the meaning of words. The right hemisphere apparently determines the emotional content of speech. {14}
So a general overview of the functional division of activities between the two hemispheres would be:
But while the left hemisphere can express itself by verbally describing a stimulus, the right hemisphere can express itself non-verbally by selecting the matching stimulus. The left hemisphere deals with word choice, rules of grammar, and the meaning of words. The right hemisphere apparently determines the emotional content of speech. {14}
So a general overview of the functional division of activities between the two hemispheres would be:
Left Hemisphere
Communicates by using words, has highly developed verbal abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are.
Communicates by using words, has highly developed verbal abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are.
Right Hemisphere
Communicates using images (pictures), has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with emotions and feelings.
Communicates using images (pictures), has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with emotions and feelings.
But the two hemispheres are interconnected
and communicate, the human mind brings together these abilities and skills
into a comprehensive whole whose operation depends on the way in which its
parts contribute and co-operate with each other.
Around forty thousand years ago the culmination of billions of years of the evolution of life forms was occurring in the brains of the Homo Sapien species. This 'final evolution' created a powerful new brain that allowed human beings to become aware of the wonders that surrounded them. A whole new world had opened up for people! We had become 'imaginative beings'
'Human Imagination' has allowed mankind to delve into the
mysteries of its own creation - to behold the wonders of the Universe. It is a
totally new dimension for life on Earth!
"Human Imagination is the ability of
humans to visualize in their mind. To be creative! The power to become aware of
the wonders of the Universe! An eagle may have much keener eyes then ours but
it cannot "see" the things that we can!" - D.Ham.
· THE TRANSFORMATION - Scientist pretty
much agree that something strange and wondrous began to happen on our planet
about forty thousand years ago. A strange new life form began to leave an
indelible mark on our archaeological history. New tools and artifacts designed
with aesthetic beauty began to appear. Later, beautiful art was painted on cave
walls and probably a lot of other places that did not survive the ages. This is
hard evidence that a radical new form of life was beginning to make its presence
known on Earth.
· A revolutionary, entirely new phenomena was taking place on this tiny insignificant planet. 'Human Imagination' was being introduced to life on Earth, a quantum leap in the evolution of life. A new chapter was opening in the Homo Sapiens story that would eventually evolve into our present civilizations.
Luke. 3:21--- (summarized) when all the people as well as Jesus were baptized – the heavens opened – (namely the second heaven opened and your 6th dome opened namely your imagination.)
This verse says; when your soul were developed the second heaven opened for you. You can just look at the progress of the last hundred years.
Math. 3:11 – he (Jesus) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
Fire is the symbol of the spirit of Satan or the spirits of earth, Horeb revealed that to us.
Rom. 6:3-4 know ye not that so many of us (all of us) as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death, therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death —
The death it speaks about, = the deep sleep OR THE BAPTIZM OF THE HOLY GHOST the soul.
It is this Ghost, your imagination that blinds you but it is a huge advantage from senses to imagination.
I say; imagination is a Ghost, something that does not exist, it is not reality, is it?
Because we were created with the specific idea to sin, (yes you heard correctly) we were placed into a hypothetical/death sleep.
Nobody can be accountable for sin while he is dead; he is morally blameless, as the Greek word for Holy clearly explains.
All sins are forgiven except the sin against the Holy Ghost, for the Holy Ghost is in fact the spirit of Satan, a glorified spiritual Creature in heaven ordained by God Almighty. You made him a glorified Creature.
I say; you created the soul of God.
If you mock about him -- it cannot be forgiven.
You have been innocent until this moment as you read here now because with permission, you were still stupid, but be warned you will lose your virginity if…
This phase in the Holy room was to bring an end to the law as it was practiced at that stage, but also to bring it to fulfillment in a spiritual way because the law was practiced in a physical way.
This is the time where we give birth to our own husband as our God and the beginning of the immortal soul, because the senses have been brought to fulfillment.
This is the time where “Jesus/us walked the earth visibly.”
Lucifer = the Morning star = the bearer of light, namely the bearer of the word of God.
The meaning of Lucifer = bearer of the word of God.
Isai. 14:12 how art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning (star).
Rev. 22:16 --- Jesus said --- I (Jesus) am the bright and morning star.
Some people say; yes but he is the bright morning star! There is only one morning star in heaven and it does shine and it appeared with the birth of Jesus. Math. 2: 2.
Let us compare what the “serpent” said and what “Jesus” said.
The serpent Jesus
Gen. 3:4 --- ye shall not surely John.6: 51 I am the living Bread.
die (if you eat) which came down from heaven
if any man eat of this bread he
shall live forever -- the bread
that I give is my flesh
Gen. 3:5 in the day ye eat thereof Rev. 1:7 every eye shall see Him.
Your eyes shall be opened. Luk. 24:31 and their eyes
Verse 7 the eyes of them both
Opened. were opened and they knew him
Gen. 3:5 (continue) you shall be Rev. 3:12 Him that overcome
as Gods, knowing good and evil I will write upon him the
verse 22 man is become as one name of my God
of us. .
The serpent = Lucifer = Jesus bearer of the Word. The serpent = your body.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that the serpent/Lucifer sinned and told a lie, as often preached in church.
If church would suggest that Lucifer lied then it would mean Jesus lied as you can clearly compare the above for yourself!!! However the serpent is the tempter and the deceiver.
HE did NOT lie; YOU were blinded, YOUR BODIE’S EYES BLINDED YOU because we were still stupid/dumb.
“Lucifer” did not lie, neither did he sin, (the bible say so) he BECAME sin, BECAUSE we as the eye/as his wife/ gave him sinful food to eat.
The eyes of his wife gave him sinful food to eat and he did eat and became flesh.
By one man sin came into the world, Lucifer. See Rom.5: 12.
He ate, had to eat, and as a result of this he fell from heaven to hell.
See Gen. 3:6 and Isaiah. 14:12 – 23.
I say; we are the reason for his fall.
To fall from heaven to hell has the meaning; he became flesh.
Previously he was your protector in heaven and kept you alive; now however, you were baptized with death, you die.
I say; Christ fell from heaven to earth (hell), he became flesh, because we gave him sinful food to eat and as a result of that he was cast out of heaven and became “the false prophet”. See Deutn. 13:1-5.
I say; death came by way of one man Jesus the first Adam bearer of the word of God but he did not sin, you did and you sold yourself.
For this reason then, Jesus had to die on Calvary.
The bible says; HE WAS MADE FLESH.
The question is; by who was he MADE flesh?
The answer is; BY YOU!!!! You “took him capture.”
Do you deny this?
The Serpent is the symbol of Jesus’ body or your own body.
Human is the most cunning animal on earth and it is now when Eve (you) says; Gen. 3:13, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
She says; the body of Jesus beguiled me!!!
She says; my body beguiled me!!
She says; my eyes beguiled me!!
She says; the flea has caught me!!
I ask; Do you now repent and are you honest because only those who accept the truth can enter the next heaven.
The Man said; the women whom thou gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat.
He says; the physical body, where you have placed me in the garden in Eden, she gave me to eat of the fruit of the eye and I did eat, I had no choice but to eat, for the husband eat what his wife prepares him to eat, he can’t deny, this is total logic.
Can I now ask you; did you eat of this fruit of the eye? Please be honest for you can’t deny this and all it takes is an honest YES I DID and all sin will be forgiven.
Of cause you ate, every creature with eyes ate the fruit and because you ate the fruit, you became guilty by transgressing the Commandments and you had to die. Don’t fool yourself and say you did not transgress the commands.
I say; all creatures with eyes are the slaughtered lamb. See Psalm. 44:23 and Rom. 8:36.
This means; you die instead/in the place of God.
We will deal with this later.
I say; Jesus was “the dreamer” in Deut. 13.
He brought the spirit of dreams.
I say; he brought the spirit of imagination (dreaming).
It is this spirit that has brought the deep sleep upon us.
It brought the cherubim in our forehead for the good to advance us.
Isaiah. 29:10 the Lord (not God) has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep (the Holy Ghost) and has CLOSED your eyes.
Is this verse a lie?
You might have seen in church where the preacher says; receive the Holy Ghost and the one receiving falls backwards “into a sleep” or just by blowing on someone. This is witness of the Holy Ghost to be the deep sleep. Some preachers make a real “show” out of this and the question is; what is the good about this although the bible says; these “miracles” will be a witness unto them.
It is simply not true, a lie that Christ has risen from the grave on the third human day the Sunday.
Christ only rises after two days of deep sleep in the symbolic grave.
One day = 1000 years, therefore two days = 2000 years.
Never the less it was the rise of the soul of Christ on the symbolic Sunday, the rise of Satan.
I say; it was the rise of the soul (Satan) out of HIS grave, namely your body as the grave, for you gave birth to Satan when your soul developed.
He opened the bottomless pit namely you are this bottomless pit that opened, your soul is.
Remember the meaning of tabernacle is also; a grave meaning a human grave or a living grave.
What came out of this human grave? Murder, lust, jealousy, hatred, music, love and many other things in fact any thing you can think of. This is the way it happened.
We already explained the birth of the Red Dragon at Sinai.
Sinai is a symbol of the first room, the forecourt where your five senses were born, namely your senses = the Red Dragon (your spirit) with four wings symbolizing your spirit that ascended.
Four commandments were uprooted and formed one horn – one command namely; this Golden calf is your God, a carved image, meaning we glorified visible objects, worshipped them so to speak but the Golden calf is only a symbol/riddle of what happened at Sinai.
When we entered the second room, the Holy room, the objects to worship changed.
There was no longer a bull to be slaughtered and the circumcision also became obsolete.
We now had a visible person in the form of Jesus to glorify. He became the symbolic-slaughtered bull and by way of that we automatically advanced to the Holy room. We did not need a priest anymore for we became the priests.
Jesus became the slaughtered bull; ” his bloodless carcass” became the sin-penetrated carcass to be burnt outside/away from the presence of God, the same as the bull previously. See Hebr. 13: 11 – 12.
I say his bloodless carcass because his blood, his soul has been “drawn” to be saved; we drink his blood, which is prohibited by the law.
Lev.7: 27. Whatsoever soul it be that eat any manner of blood, even that soul shall be cut off from his people. Also see Lev.17: 10, Deut.12: 16 also 1 Sam. 14: 32 – 34. Ezek. 33: 25. wherefore say unto them, thus says the LORD GOD; you eat (flesh) with the blood and lift up your eyes towards your idols and shed blood; and shall you posses the land? (the promised land).
Is it true that we eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus while the scriptures say that any soul who eats flesh with the blood IN ANY MANNER will be cut off?
Yes it is true and we lift up our eyes to an idol Jesus and drink his blood and eat his flesh; Jesus and his prophet/preachers gave it to us to drink. 1Cort 11:24-26.
You might say; I did not “really” drink his blood; the scriptures say in any manner and it has been given to you with the words; drink, this is my blood. What’s more; 1Cort 11:26 while you eat and drink this supper we proclaim Christ to be dead.
What is your excuse for eating the flesh and drinking the blood of your idol?
FURTHER; we still transgressed the same four commandments and said; Jesus is God.
We ignored three commandments and made one out of them and said; this is Jesus our God!!!
You might now say; but he is the Son of God; yes, so are you, but you made him flesh/visible, he never changed!! He has always been invisible Word, still is and will always be ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE; it is you who changed that.(Heb 13:8) since when do we worship visible Gods?
YOU HAVE MADE A WRONG CONCLUSION the flea caught you; that is why you seek justification for eating flesh with blood. Do you seek justification? We will deal with it later.
The Red Dragon gave Jesus all its power and his seat and great authority. See Rev. 13: 2.
Dan. 7:7- 8. After this I saw in the night visions and behold a forth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly --- it had ten horns --- and behold there came up among them a little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plugged up by the roots, and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.
This describes (Lucifer) Jesus/the false prophet and its preachers
Jesus was not the false prophet in it self but you made him a false prophet by preaching the lie.
We said; the visible flesh is God.
In John. 10: 22 and further, Jesus declares himself as God.
Read Dan. 11:36-38. The God of forces mentioned in verse 38 means; the creature was worshipped (Jesus). Also see Thes. 2:4.
This beast (Jesus) had all the power of all ten horns for he came to FULFILL the law to give it even more strength; it was a dreadful and terrible and exceedingly strong beast according to Daniel.
What is this “more” strength?
It is; don’t touch this body of Jesus namely don’t worship him; same as at Sinai where we were supposed not to touch the mountain. The mountain is the image of God same as Jesus is the image of God.
Jesus never asked you to worship him, he said follow me and believe in me like in the copper snake; we made a God of our prophet and worshipped him. But God the Satan knew you were “stupid” enough to worship him, rightfully so for this developed your soul. IF YOU DIDN’T WORHIP HIM YOUR SOUL WOULD NOT HAVE DEVELOPED.
But then I saw one of his heads, (the head with the four horns) were wounded to death. Rev. 13:3.
Jesus were crucified on Calvary on the cross and died. Jesus, the head with the four horns were wounded
to death. Luke 23: 46.
I say; the head carrying the four horns = Jesus and he was crucified, therefore “this head died/was wounded to death”.
But then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. Rev. 13:11.
Rev. 13:3 --- his deadly wound was healed and the entire world wandered after this beast.
The two horns are the first two commandments.
The idea was to destroy the human body (Rom 6: 6.) for the human body is the body of sin; same, as with the bull it had to burn to ashes. BUT; Jesus, came out of the grave, he “lives again”, the deadly wound was “healed” and the entire world wandered after this beast.
The beast’s carcass that was supposed to bare all sin and go back to dust were raised again, namely the beast out of the earth is born!!!!!!!!
See Rev.13: 11
The reason why he rose is discussed in another chapter.
Rev. 13:4 ---- and they worshipped this beast (the one who came out of the grave on the third human day) saying; who is like unto this beast? Who is able to make war with him? (This is common saying in church--- who is like our Jesus our God?)
Everything cannot be reveaedl about this happening now for our brains are not acceptable of understanding it yet.
Some might now say; but he is the Son of God!!!
He is the Word that became flesh!!!!!!!
Yes that is true, you made him flesh, and ONLY for you he is flesh!!!
For YOU are the one who changed him into something visible, God DID NOT CHANGE HIM.
For he has never changed, the bible says; yesterday, today, and tomorrow HE IS WORD/SPIRIT.
We changed him into flesh BECAUSE we could not distinguish.
Jesus Christ is just another name for Adam and Eve and is male and female in one body.
Jesus = Eve the body, the wife, visible and represents Satan. All visible things represents Satan.
Christ = the word, the spirit, the husband/invisible and represent Christ.
Drill this into your head; God has two sides;
A visible side which represents Satan and
An invisible side, which represents Christ.
Therefore, we hearkened to the voice of the wife/Eve (Jesus) the body, same as Adam and Abraham did and the same as we did at Sinai.
I say; you hearkened to the speaker and said he is the music, let us worship the speaker the bearer of the word who is Lucifer.
Can you deny that? No you cant!!!
Remember, the visible body (Jesus) = darkness = female.
Let us now see what John the Baptist said about this. John the Baptist baptized Jesus (anointed Jesus) with this spirit of the Holy Ghost in the Jordan River and therefore he anointed you in the same river.
The meaning of Jordan River is; to descend, to go downwards, or to a lower region, to bring down, to cast down, come down, to fall down, subside, and also place or river of death. In church they often speak about the valley of death.
Jesus was therefore baptized by Johannes to fall from heaven to hell, for it was necessary to fall for reasons we already discussed.
Jesus was born to die, to fall. See Luke. 2:34.
The so-called first coming is the fall of Jesus Christ from heaven to hell, and the fall lasts 2000 years. Jesus is a symbol of you who fell from heaven to hell; the bible says he is the first of many.
Also the fall is the time of the deep sleep or the time that we are in a symbolic grave for two thousand years.
On the third day, when two thousand years has passed he will rise. The end of the 2000 years is 2006/7. The resurrection will take place over many years.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that Christ has already been resurrected, logically because, we rise with him, and we are still here!!!
If you say he has risen already, why are you still here? Why did he leave you here?
I will tell you why; it is because the first resurrection was that of the soul and the soul is an earthly spirit bound to earth and bound to the second heaven and it applies to Jesus who was a first Adam. Bound to earth meaning you are kept in jail as the scriptures says.
I say; you are a prisoner in your body and you can only escape by way of death.
The first rise was the rise of the soul, the resurrection of the soul. It is this resurrection we preach in church.
The second rise or resurrection is on the last DAY, namely the third day.
Day one and two, the two days in the grave, are called the last DAYS during which time the soul were resurrected or the time during which the bride has prepared herself.
Day three, the day of resurrection is called the last DAY.
The bible is always clear to make a distinction between; last days and last day.
The flea has caught the church.
We were cast down with Christ (Jesus) into hell, and we are still in hell, because we are logically the body in whom he descended to hell, but on the third day he will resurrect the body he descended in. The resurrection of the body is a new spiritual body.
Egypt is a symbol of the descent ion and has the meaning of; to go down with God.
Only after 2000 years, namely 2006/2007 See Hos 6:2 the resurrection starts Do you deny that you are in hell? When did you left Christ for don’t you believe he descended to hell? For he says he never left you.
I say; we were cast down with Christ to hell because we are His body and we were baptized with the same baptism of death, namely with the Holy Ghost a spirit that closed/blinded our eyes/stupefied us. To be cast
to hell means to become flesh.
John wrote in John 1:14, the Word was MADE flesh.
Now the question is, how did the Word become flesh?
You should by now understand how it happened.
It happened because we hearkened to the voice of the female = the visible body = darkness. (We have explained this in detail in previous chapters).
In simple words it means we followed and preached the visible body Jesus as God; you cannot deny this.
Therefore, He was made flesh by US, BECAUSE we could not distinguish between Male and Female, or light and Darkness.
Church/Aaron said; this be thy God and we rose and eat and drink his flesh and spirit; our God said; eat my flesh and drink my blood. See Ex. 32: 4-6 and and Joh. 6: 53 –56.
This God is the God that came out of the Fire see Ex. 32: 24.
What does this mean; it came out of the fire?
It came out of the spirit of the Holy Ghost which = fire = imagination = out of earth = out of the perception.
I say; you created this God out of fire.
We were without wisdom and understanding.
John. 3:19. this is the condemnation, (the reason why we became guilty) that the light (the male/spirit/ word) has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light.
This say; we loved the visible body = darkness on the cross on “Calvary”.
The cross and the body on the cross is visible and therefore darkness. Surely you understand this now. Do you understand?
It blinded us; the cherubim in the east of Eden blinded us.
I say; the Holy Ghost blinded us.
Let us now return to the beast out of the “grave”.
When we entered the second room of the tabernacle our soul were developed to be saved. I say; the soul became a spirit in this room. We had the hypothesis of a loving man that gave his life for everyone’s sins and the soul were developed around love as the main gospel, should be, but “church has send many to hell” and that is not called love. (or is it because of ignorance?)
Imagination then developed exceedingly and imagination brought this beast out of his supposed grave of decay. He was supposed to return to dust, so the sin could disappear/burnt to ashes. See Rom. 6: 6.
I say; imagination brought this beast “out of your body”;
I say; you are the grave (hell) that opened to “let him out”.
This beast only exists in our mind of imagination. I say this because, we did not visibly saw these things happened and therefore he is a beast of OUR imagination.
Imagination has the meaning of; conception, obstinacy, to be hostile.
This speaks for itself.
God revealed the following to Johannes.
Rev. 17:8. The beast that thou saw was, and are not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit (you as the grave and out of your imagination) and go into perdition, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder (like you who now read this are amazed) whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold (now see) the beast that was, and is not, and yet he is.
Let me rephrase the last sentence.
The beast that existed, but did not exist, although he does exist.
This makes it absolutely clear; it is a beast of the imagination/ conception.
Furthermore; our names were not written in the book of life.
The No of the soul is six, but the No of the spirit of imagination is 666.
This No describes the wisdom of human.
We have now reached this wisdom of 666, the No of the antichrist.
We are antichrist because we are anti- Christ, meaning we transgressed the first four commandments and followed the beast, the “golden calf” Jesus. If we been pro-Christ we would not have followed the body as God but we would have glorified the word.
I say; human is the devil and have the No of the antichrist but this is only looking through one eye because she is also Mary the mother of God.
Because we now have reached the wisdom of 666, we are now ready to enter the final room, the Holy of Holy.
When we change to another room the name of the priest also change, for instance it changed from the room Moses to the room Jesus.
Therefore it is the end of the priest Jesus, as he himself said; things’ concerning me comes to an end. Luke 22:37. However Jesus is the end for those who now enter the Holiest of all and for those who stay behind he will be a priest forever.
Also see Acts.3: 21. Jesus Christ whom the heaven must receive until the time of restitution of all things ---- the question is; what happens then? The answer is; it comes to an end as stated in Luke 22:37.
This is clear that the end of the name Jesus has come, for he now became obsolete with this restitution of all things.
We now need new things, a new priest; we need to proceed to the next level of creation.
It is simply not true, a lie to say that Jesus is the eternal name. It is also not true to say like the “church” says, that only those who follow Jesus will be saved. There is NO SCRIPTURE IN THE BIBLE SAYING THAT, although the “church” tends to add an extra word ONLY, which doesn’t appear in the bible.
Rev. 13:14. (The beast that came out of the earth) deceived them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, (he healed some sicknesses and he came out of the grave) saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and lived. (Namely Jesus)
See John. 19:34. One of the soldiers with a spear (sword) pierced his side ----
This is exactly what the church (the false prophet of the beast) asked us to do namely; to make an imaginary image to the beast that came out of the grave/out of their imagination.
In Islam it is considered blasphemous to show any visional representation of Mo Hammed however Christians does that all the time even with photos and dolls and visible images. Many people make fortunes from selling different things about Jesus.
This beast made war with the saints (us).
And prevailed against them (us) until the ancient of days came and judgment were given to the saints (us) of the Most High --- Dan. 7:21-22.
The time of judgment is right now as you read.
This beast thought to change time and laws. Dan 7:25.
How did he think to change time?
He said; Christ rose on the third human day, the Sunday. This is simply not true, a lie for Christ only rise after 2000 years in the human as his grave.
But before Christ rose, Satan/the soul rose out of the human as grave.
How did he think to change law?
By transgressing the first four commands namely; Jesus is God.
You might say; but the bible says he is God. Yes hypothetically that is true and we HAD to believe that but only until the coming of Johannes for the law and prophesies of ALL prophets NOW comes to its end in this gender, also the prophesies of Jesus as he himself said.
Christ was crucified on a wooden cross on Calvary. Although we believed it literal it now becomes a lie through the new seventh eye for he was crucified in the human body as the living cross on Calvary, the human brain. The meaning of Calvary is, place in the skull, and that place is your brain.
Therefore; YOU are the living cross where he was crucified in your brain/the Garden in Eden/Gethsemane, meaning on/in Calvary or Golgotha.
You were crucified in the brain when Satan replaced Man in your brain.
How were you crucified?
Your eye crucified/blinded you namely the “occipital lobe”, which is at the back of your head. Because your eye receives a mirrored image, you see the mirrored image, the lie, the literal.
The eye betrayed us/blinded us/crucified us so we could not understand the true meaning of the happenings and we looked at the literal and also glorified the literal.
However, there is much more about the crucifixion, for instance;
How did Jesus bear all the sickness and pain on your behalf?
When did he suffer with aids or cancer?
But you have, because you are the body of Christ on the cross, the cross is just a futute vision to come and a mirrored image of yourself. You are looking at yourself in a mirror.
Your body is the cross and you are “nailed” to this cross/your body, you die in/on this cross/body just like the way you saw it literally on the cross with Jesus. The difference is; you are the LIVING cross while the cross that was preached to you is a lifeless piece of timber.
Therefore; if he died in you, logically YOU ARE THE GRAVE and logically his rise is IN YOU. The bible clearly states; the Kingdom is within you.
Those who preach the lie say; he was crucified on a hill outside Jerusalem and buried in a cave; until today they speculate and say; we believe this is the hill, we believe this is the grave. The real grave and Calvary was never found, the reason is; you are the grave and the cross.
I say; they live in imagination and in their own conceptions, because we are the living cross. There are those who still unto today make the sign of the cross on their body to keep the truth, namely the Catholic; they received this portion of the clothing of “Jesus”.
This beast was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months the time of Jesus preaching. Rev. 13:5. This is three and a half years, the time of Jesus’ preaching. He called himself the son of God
Rev. 9:13. And the sixth angel sounded (when the dome of imagination opened in our brains) and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God ---
These four horns are the four commandments of which three fell to make one horn, one golden altar with the name Jesus.
Verse 14 continues --- saying to the sixth angel (the spirit of imagination/saying to church), who had the trumpet, loose the four angels, which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
You will remember that the Euphrates symbolize the organs that feed you, namely your mouth, your gullet and stomach.
This therefore simply says; loosen the spirits of imagination and feed human with this spirit as church has done in ravish AND for the good although they might not understand this revelation. The “last” thing to do is to “run” to your preacher and ask him; is this true? He is blind; he can’t see this at all. Not one of them? May God give forgiveness and understanding!!!! What you can do is to convince him to read this manuscript.
Also these four angels symbolize the first four commands that have been made one horn, one strength but four spirits or four Spirits with one strength.
We all know the cruelty of this beast, the suffering of human, the wars, and many other things like hunger. We went to war in the name of this beast, killed one another in the name of this beast.
You now have learned about the Holy room and that this room brings an end to the priest Jesus.
Moses has disciplined the beast that came out of the water/sea to advance him to Calvary where he was crucified in the brain.
I say; you were crucified in the brain when imagination “took over”.and you could not understand the truth.
I say; you were crucified in the brain when you were baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Jesus has disciplined the beast that came out of the earth, you.
This is the period after Jesus rose out of the grave.
The idea is; to give but also receive spirit namely the soul, the immortal half of all living beings.
We only became a first Adam after the “coming of Jesus” and after we ate the forbidden fruit.
In order to create the soul we were blinded by way of a deep sleep called the Holy Ghost.
Everybody has entered the Holy room.
Your sixth dome or second heaven opened for you in the Holy room.
The resurrection on the third human day was a vision of a future happening where the soul was resurrected called Satan.
This was symbolized by way of Jesus, the one with the head with four horns, the beast that came out of the earth/grave and we followed him.
Human is this grave/bottomless pit where Satan “came up from”.
We are the ones who changed word into flesh; we are responsible for the fall of Christ.
Many people might not accept this truth simply because they see themselves as holy but you will recognize them.
All sins are forgiven except the sin against the Holy Ghost/Satan/the soul.
The Holy room is the room where the bride had prepared herself and where the soul of Adam was completed, where the breath of life was breathed into him according to Gen; 2; 7.
The deep sleep is; Jesus poured out the spirit of the deep sleep upon you and closed your eyes; see Isaiah 29:10 and John 20: 22.
Jesus is the “dream prophet”.
In our next discussions you will learn whom exactly the son of perdition is, the one to burn in eternal hell.
We will discuss the first Adam, who he is and how he brought death to us.
You will also meet the antichrist in full splendor.
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